The Importance of Closure

So quickly another year has passed! On the horizon another year ahead! Endless possibilities lie ahead…..


At this time of year, we begin to look ahead with a fresh outlook to the shiny empty pages of our future.  We begin to write down resolutions and goals that we want to take on for the year ahead. This is a fabulous time for planning and projecting our desires for the year to come.

I stumbled upon an incredible tool several nights ago. ( 2014 Amazing Life Workbook |  I purchased the combination of Life and Business Workbooks.  Trust me when I say, I have already witnessed some powerful things by putting into action one of the concepts that Leonie shared. Rather than put it into my own words I will quote from the workbook the concept that I put into action. This was empowering!

Taken from the Life Workbook

“We set our NEW resolutions, our NEW goals, our NEW dreams… without ever taking stock, coming to terms with and clearing all the days and months that have gone before us. It is so deeply important for us to find the gifts, medicine, lessons, challenges and blessings from the year that has been. Only in doing this celebration and release of the year will we find peace and clarity.
During the closing ceremony,  you will begin to see your life with clear, bright eyes. You will find the understanding you’ve been seeking. From the tangled ball of threads, a rich tapestry will emerge. And it will be more beautiful,deep and profound than you could possibly imagine. You’ve been sent here on a mission. To discover every part of yourself. To grow wiser than you ever thought possible. To find the light even in the darkest cave. 2013 happened to you the way it did for a reason. Sometimes they are reasons you cannot possibly begin to know right now. At other times the reason + the blessing is
easy to see. Even when it’s hard, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t meant to happen. It’s all taking you to where you need to go. You are getting braver, deeper, wiser,more beautiful by the moment, by the day, by the year.
Let’s celebrate + release 2013. And clear the pathway for the miracles to come.”

And so I did!  I contacted another fellow entrepreneur friend of mine; we met and held a Closing Ceremony for 2013!  Our Ceremony consisted of an afternoon of wine, chocolate, food, music, tears and laughter{those are just some of my favorite elements}.


Quite honestly, I had never thought of having a “Closing Ceremony” prior to reading this. The timing was perfect for me to stumble across this Workbook!  The more I send my intentions out into the Universe, the more I find myself walking in perfect harmony for all that I desire for my life. Although I love to write and express my feelings in words, I must say I am  speechless over the transformation I felt within my soul yesterday. I had emotions and experiences * good, bad and all levels in between* that spilled out of me,  like cascading waterfalls.

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My suggestion to you, would be to have your own ceremony! Make it your OWN….either with a friend or alone, incorporate the elements that you would find useful. The best way to experience the depth of  this ceremony is to set aside a time and place that you can be free from distractions and take your time!  This is not something that should be rushed through. Take the necessary steps to insure that you receive the benefit of having the closing ceremony!  Be creative!  Use various forms of activity. My friend and I  spent hours participating in our ceremony. We created booklets and wrote things down in response to questions that are listed in the workbook.  It truly was an amazing day!


*please feel free to share feedback with me if you do decide to have a closing ceremony!  I would LOVE to hear the variations and the experiences had by all.

I am wishing you all a magnificent ending to this year 2013 and I am looking forward to so much more interaction in 2014!

Love, Peace and Blessings to you,

Charlene Tops